
Servicios de Outsourcing

Una estrategia de tercerización de TI puede requerir aportaciones de muchos departamentos, incluyendo operaciones, legal, cadena de suministro y recursos humanos. Sin embargo, la responsabilidad del resultado de una estrategia de outsourcing de TI recae generalmente en el director de información de la organización (CIO).

Para muchas organizaciones, el objetivo de una estrategia de tercerización o externalización de TI es proporcionar la mejor tecnología posible a la organización al menor costo posible. Lo que constituye la mejor tecnología posible y el costo más bajo, sin embargo, tiende a ser fluido debido a la rápida evolución de las tecnologías y la volatilidad del mercado.

Sin embargo, el ahorro de costos no es el único objetivo de una estrategia de tercerización de TI. Algunas organizaciones que buscan la transformación del negocio dependen de los proveedores de outsourcing para ayudarles a través del proceso.

En TECNIDES, tenemos amplia experiencia en colaborar para que la estrategia de outsourcing de TI rinda frutos y éxitos en su empresa. Nuestro objetivo es volvernos un socio de negocio que permita lograr los objetivos que permitan apalancar su operación en base a sistemas de TI orientado a procesos de negocio y de esta forma alcanzar sus metas de crecimiento.

Servicios de Outsourcing

The Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is designed to facilitate constructive discussion between a staff member and his or her supervisor and to clarify the exact work performance requiring improvement.

It is implemented, at the discretion of the manager, when it becomes necessary to help a staff member improve his or her performance. The manager, with input from the affected employee, develops an improvement plan; the purpose of the goals outlined is to help the employee to attain the desired level of performance.

The PIP differs from the Performance Development Planning (PDP) process in the amount and quantity of the detail. Assuming an employee is already participating in the company-wide PDP process, the format and the expectation of the PIP should enable the manager and staff member to communicate with a higher degree of clarity about specific expectations.

In general, people who are performing their jobs effectively and meeting the expectations of the PDP process, will not need to participate in a PIP. It is the rare, under-performing employee, the one whose performance the manager believes can improve with assistance, who is the typical participant in the PIP.

In all cases, it is recommended that the manager’s manager and the Human Resources department review the plan. This will ensure that employees experience consistent, fair treatment across the departments and across the company.

The manager monitors and provides feedback to the employee regarding his or her performance on the PIP and may take additional disciplinary action, if warranted, through the organization’s Progressive Discipline Process, if necessary.

The supervisor should review the following six items with the employee when using the document.